'snowplow' parent “扫雪机父母”能扫清人生的障碍吗?

A new kind of nightmare 'snowplow' parent is taking toll on children 前一阵的美国大学招生舞弊案暴露出了一批“扫雪机父母”,这种父母就像扫雪机一样披荆斩棘,为孩子清除人生路上...

在国际交流中,“家长”这个词翻译成英文是the head of family,直译就是一个家的头。The parent or guardian of a child就是监护人,包括generation和householder。可以看出,英文和我们一...

A team of researchers at Heidelberg University in Germany found that parents tend to be happier than non-parents in old age, but this only holds true if their kids have mov...

5.祖父母Grandparent 6.媳婿Son-in-law or daughter-in-law 7.孙子女Grandchild 8.兄弟姐妹Brother or sister 9.其他Other relationship R3.性别 Sex 1.男 Male 2.女 Female R4.出生年月 Date of birth 出生于 Born in:___年year___月month R5.来内地(大陆)或来华目的...

The vacation policy exemplifies this rationale. Workers get a total of three weeks off. They can spend some of that time on an all-expenses-paid trip courtesy of Basecamp...

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